When I start feeling like I've got it all together, BIZARRO SHAYLON, shows up. Let me give you a frame of reference, a paint-swatch for the soul if you will... In Superman mythology, the normal Superman existed in our reality (universe), BUT, in the reality (universe) that was the exact opposite of our's, Bizarro Superman, existed, representing the polar opposite of Superman. One was handsome, the other ugly, one was good & true, the other bad & hurtful. The Superman WE know & love used his power SELFLESSLY, BUT Bizarro Superman used his SELFISHLY.
Everyone clear on that? It's all about the SPIRIT NATURE vs. SIN NATURE. No matter how good & true I am, I'm gonna make mistakes up & be humbled. Which is good, if Jesus had humility to become human, I mean, it's ridiculous for me to NOT be humble...b/c I wasn't pre-existent God, I was BORN this little sinful creature....BIZARRO SHAYLON. That's the truth when it comes down to it. BUT...I was also born with this, and so were you:
An Incredible Capacity to Contain the Beauty of God. It's a mystical soul thing, I think you have to still believe in Santa just a little, to "get it", maybe it's just me. When that Beauty is flowing, to God & man, in life/ministry/relationship, it is only b/c my Spirit Man is responding feverishly to God's Love. I am wooed, b/c He wooed me, and now my Heart/Spirit is full of the love He poured in like Niagara Falls. My response is that of a son, a brother, a freedman, a slave, a servant, a lover, a soldier, etc. I don't truly understand how we can feel all these things at once, but I don't have to understand it to experience it or believe it.

I don't understand what my dog is saying when he barks, but I believe he's saying something, and evidently it's something important to him....maybe it's something insightful, who knows? Every time he looks at me and barks, he is TRYING to COMMUNICATE. Maybe he gets frustrated that I can't understand him in the same way I get frustrated he can't understand me.
When I was a child, my mom would put a metal can of condensed milk, into boiling water, & later when she opened the can, it would have become caramel, it's some WONDERFUL scientific chemical reaction thingy, that I'm sure God planned on Day 8. I didn't understand it, but I EXPERIENCED the taste, and believed. There are many other things (good & bad) I don't understand, but I believe... things like: Girl's smell nice even when they don't mean to, a rubik's cube CAN be solved, Racism still exists, and then there's the whole Doctrine of the Trinity, I mean, I understand as much as my human mind is capable, but God being three people AT ONE TIME is still mind blowing. I wish I could be 3 people at once, one of me would do all the exercise, one all the laundry, and the ME me would just get the benefits...wow, there He was, BIZARRO SHAYLON, selfish me, I hate that guy.
So, my point is, everything good coming out of me, is me responding, intentionally or unintentionally, to & with God's Love, b/c Shaylon's Sin Nature often uses his powers for evil. I'm like stained glass that is completely dark, dingy, dusty, tainted, & you can't see any colors until the SON/SUN shines thru, then you see how I was REALLY CREATED, & so it goes with YOU! Jesus is the light by which all men see & become the truest version of ourselves. That's when we look a little more & act a little more like Superman, to everyone, b/c Jesus is glowing thru us back to His Father, & to those around us. Bizarro Shaylon only wants to shine for himself, even when he realizes the Light Source, isn't him, and that he himself has no light.

SO, I'm a big can of caramel waiting to happen, I'm gooey, I'm golden, I'm....canned, at least for now. THANK GOD FOR SALVATION & A REDEEMED NATURE! I feel like that can of milk sometimes, like I'm ALMOST something wonderful, b/c of this Divine chemical reaction thingy that happens in the soul. I think we're all becoming that can of caramel, and one day we will be in full, when we are glorified. I think the Apostle Paul would understand all of this.
Grace & Peace to everyone, you're gooey, you're golden, you're full of Light...